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Friday, June 14, 2024

More about the trip to Russia Tami and Duane Wallace took to learn how to exploit natural resources from a mountain lake, Putin style

Posted by Kay Ebeling, Born to Muckrake

(part One of this story is here: ) (SORRY have to post this twice due to technical glitch)

Recently City of Angels Blog posted that Tahoe Chamber of Commerce leaders Tami and Duane Wallace went to Russia in the year 2000 to learn  how to exploit natural resources in a “sensitive environment” such as deep mountain lakes, at a conference held by Vladimir Putin’s government.

Now it seems Tami is posting that it was just an innocent trip sponsored by the UN on the “Community Patriots” Facebook group she moderates.


I don't think Tami Wallace would know she was being recruited by a hostile foreign agent if the contract came written in Cyrillic.

Tami may be convinced otherwise, but a "Patriots" group on Facebook ain't benefiting the USA. 


A five second Google search for the conference does mention UNESCO

But to refresh Tami's memory 


Vladimir Putin was scheduled to speak but instead Egor Stroev then Speaker of the Upper House of the Russia Parliament gave the keynote address. He talked about cross border energy projects and ways to use contracted foreign labor.

Next speaker Leonid Drachevskiy of the Siberian Federal District proposed regional development programs but the need is there for investment in technology.

Boris Govorin governor of the region in Oblast where the conference took place spoke of significance of economic ties with Asia

Professor Mikhail Titarenko spoke of the importance of trade between Russia and Northeast Asia

Minister of Finance Alexei Kudri  spoke of an improved investment climate for Russia with lower taxes for Russian enterprises

The main focus of much of the conference was oil and gas pipelines with special presentations by the Northeast Asia Gas and Pipeline Forum.

(Source: PDF The Baikal Economic Forum in Irkutsk: Good Intentions and Modest Outcomes by Vladimir I. Ivanov Senior researcher ERINA)


Part One of this story is here 


I think Putin razzle dazzled the Wallaces into thinking they were doing something humanitarian to get them to come, that's what he does. Then they came back to Tahoe indoctrinated, maybe not even realizing it, ready to, what? run for one office after another, insinuate yourself into every local commission and organization and continue to do... what? 


POST NOTE: I thought Patriots believe the UN is Communist run by George Soros

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