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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Organized Disinformation is the opponent that Vacancy Tax campaign faces

The Manchurian Wallaces, by Kay Ebeling

If Tami Wallace had not been trashing me in her Patriots group on Facebook last month, I would never have even mentioned the vacancy tax on this blog. 

When I got the screenshots of the weird lies she was saying, I went whoa, that's a city councilwoman running a Patriots group, trashing a city resident who she's never met, how is that okay?

Then a few days later after a simple Google search I learned she and husband Duane went to Russia in 2000 as I posted here:


I think we have a Putin mole in South Lake Tahoe politics: Tami Wallace, council member / ex mayor / ubiquitous appointee to everything


By Kay Ebeling, Born to Muckrake:

FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2024

More about the trip to Russia Tami and Duane Wallace took to learn how to exploit natural resources from a mountain lake, Putin style

Posted by Kay Ebeling, Born to Muckrake


T Wallace was downrapping me before I ever posted in favor of the VT here or anywhere. What brought me to Tami’s attention last month? At that point I’d joined a “community” group on FB looking for… community. The vacancy tax came up a lot and so I asked a lot of questions, then may have posted I was kinda leaning toward maybe voting yes. 

If someone Googles my name they might find that I write a lot about Russian disinformation on this blog and years earlier about the pedophile priest crimes in the Catholic Church as one of the victims.

Who told her to single me out for attack on her Patriots group, I mean, Patriots, the most frightening anti-American movement that's been on U.S. soil since the Confederacy.

To be honest Tami and Bruce Wallace freak me out. It seems they started their political careers right after their return from indoctrination by Putin at a conference in Siberia near a lake in 2000. They probably thought they were going for good will and lotsa vodka, but instead found themselves droned to near comatose levels with one presentation after another about oil and gas extraction and pipelines.

Then they returned to Tahoe and started running for one office after another and maneuvered themselves into positions of power in the city that make it pretty much impossible to hold a fair election here, they'll just file lawsuits against it, with the considerable following they've developed in the decades since returning from Russia.


"The Wallaces probably thought they were going to Russia for good will and lotsa vodka, but instead found themselves droned to near comatose levels with one presentation after another about oil and gas extraction and pipelines. Then they returned to Tahoe and started running for one office after another and maneuvered themselves into positions of power in the city and the region."


The first time I saw Fox News in 2013, my mouth fell open in shock. That's Russian soviet style propaganda I shouted at my screen.

I worked in the Newsroom at NASA in Houston in the late 1970s, a period when USA and Soviets were “friends” and part of my job was interacting and helping journalists from all over the world who came to write about the space program (a really cool job).

I spent a  lot of time talking to Soviet journalists on that job; we’d gather in Charles Redmond’s office, James Oberg often joined us, at the end of the day and chat, share stories. I Learned A Lot about Soviet disinformation tactics, way back then.

So as soon as I first saw Fox News, I knew it was Russian propaganda even though in 2013 Russia was supposedly our friend. Mitt Romney was first politician to try to point out that, no, Russia is not our friend anymore but a serious threat, in 2012, and people laughed at Mitt Romney for that.

Since then I've been writing about Russian produced disinformation and the horrible effect it's been having on USA since 2013, in letters to the editor in the Antelope Valley news sites and since then here on my blog.

Disinformation is at the root of the campaign against the vacancy tax in South Lake Tahoe, and since so much is orchestrated behind the scenes by the Wallaces et al, who took that trip to Russia….

Okay it sounds like a conspiracy theory to most people. But you don’t live with my peculiar frame of reference, my peculiar set of skills, from the weird life I've lived, I can't expect anyone to understand. I have the curse of Cassandra, the mythical woman who tried to warn the Trojans that the horse at the gate was not a friendly gift. Those of us with the curse of Cassandra see things before other people see them and have to suffer while we watch our beliefs be proved true, too late.

Meanwhile, the pro vacancy tax campaign needs to really work hard against a disinformation structure that is going to be massive and I think is financed and propagated by people who are not locals, not even Americans.

There's been a similar development in Huntington Beach last few years. A mayor and three city council members there appeared out of nowhere more or less and won elections. Now MAGA Republicans are making all the rules in HB and the locals are scratching their heads wondering what happened to our city? The wide-doe-eyed Gracey Van Der Mark with her drop-out education caught someone’s eye at a Moms for Banning Library Books event, and now she's mayor of Huntington Beach wreaking havoc.

I think Putin and his vast structure of spies came up with a scheme probably around the time the Wallaces went to Russia.

Find vulnerable Americans in small communities where the education level is low and there already is a latent distrust of the U.S. government. Maneuver those persons into positions of power in those cities. Then, destabilize. 

We now have the Manchurian Wallaces. 

I don't think Councilmember Scott Robbins who wrote the VT measure is a communist infiltrator as the anti tax people are spreading everywhere in Tahoe. Covert acts rely a lot on deflection: Accuse the opposition of doing what you are doing, so when the opposition finally see what you're doing, if they point it out, they will just look like they're on the defensive. 

Total Soviet Tactic. 

The infiltrators doing damage in South Lake Tahoe are the anti tax advocates.

Tahoe is being manipulated by some very sophisticated and well funded disinformation professionals, and people repeating their lies likely don’t even realize that's what they're doing.

Stay tuned. 

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