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Friday, June 21, 2024

Bob Poet drops a doo wah ditty bomb in Public Comments on vacancy tax at 06/18 city council mtg

[AI generated transcript so not perfect] [For some reason the AI transcript is 6 mins and 10 seconds off, so to find these comments on the YouTube video, subtract 6 mins 10 seconds from time codes here]

My name is Bob poet and I'd like to focus on


the Declaration of Occupancy it's a critical piece of the  tax Declaration of Occupancy d-o-o doo aptly acronised. every homeowner in South Lake Tahoe if this passes will have to submit an annual doo and it'll have to submit it when it's due whether it's a domicile residence retirement home family Retreat


investment property vacant or not so you will have to submit a doo under this ordinance so you'll have to deliver it to the city when it's due and it's  a fine if you don't you can deliver your doo in person you can mail it in this might be painful you can  submit to electronic


submission and you may have to pay for this but your attorney  can also do a doo for you as an agent that would be a do and so how you do your doo is up to you there is some question as to whether renters have to do a doo a council member has said yes they do recently  but then on the other hand there's


others that said no have don't have to do that so  but one or the other it's it could be a real mess because and even the proponents of the vacancy tax have suggested that a couple of people can will have to be hired from the city to go through all the doo and make sure it's done right. Now I live in Nevada so I don't


have to do a doo but I could do a doo and Loo for you if you let me

[Loo in England means toilet, what is he saying? ]

but I don't want to because what would happen to me if I did a do and loo for you and I didn't submit it when it was due

[Bob, no one is laughing at this joke you've repeated now how many times]

So you can see it's kind of a mess and  you know I'd also ask- you know we haven't even talked about squatters. So I think what we should see is the proponents the purveyors of this vacancy tax to present a doo we have not seen any dues yet I want to see a declaration of occupancy from the people who want this tax what will they be seeing when they pass it thank you great. 

End of Transcript



Bob Poet is a leader in the anti vacancy tax movement. On social media he's been posting several times a day a link to the website he started to stop the vacancy tax repeating these four lies:






Four Lies: ;

The measure does not claim to build housing, but to put more housing into the market. "Massive Tax Increase" on housing in South Lake Tahoe is a LIE. It's a tax on second homes, usually owned by persons who live elsewhere, or investment corporations.

A LIE from the anti tax people, surprise surprise.

This tax is not on all homes in South Lake, it is on SECOND HOMES.

I get word from locals repeating this lie every day. They own one home and think this tax is going to be on them.

That's what the anti-vacancy tax people are doing, spreading LIES.

Huge new bureaucracy- same argument right wingers make for anything new. And bureaucracy means jobs.

Invasion of Privacy: Oh give me a break. How often do you have to fill out forms as we go through life in USA. You carry a smart phone around with you, you ALREADY HAVE NO PRIVACY. And as long as many of these same people are arguing to end birth control and telling people what kind of sex they can have, how dare they bring up privacy


More to come

Wait a minute, I just took a closer look at his website, whoa see the post I put up a few minutes later:

Anti VT website spreads disinformation and local voters are believing it.

The website “Stop The Vacancy Tax” warns of a “$34 million increase in taxes on housing in South Lake Tahoe” leaving out the word "second" that it's only second homes...

More to come

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