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Monday, May 27, 2019

RIP Memorial Day and its meaning

This Memorial Day let's remember all the Counter Intel agents working for USA who are at this moment being captured tortured and killed in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Russia thanks to our President turning over classified files to our enemies... 
Fox News et al say our own FBI and CIA were spying on Trump when they were actually spying on Russia, which means...
Trump and Russia were the same as far back as 2015? 
The Trump presidency is sedition in plain sight
and now USA just gives in...
Cindy Rullman
This is one of the most poignant and deeply moving Memorial Weekend posts I've seen so far...
Watching the attack on USA through their TV sets continue, watching as little by little the words change, such as "in for the long haul" from a farmer and other signs that little by little people are figuring out that Trump is an attack on USA from within. But it is taking painstakingly way too long for people in USA to wake up, right now it's as if they are willing to die for their captors, so mesmerized it's almost Stockholm syndrome, whatever Trump says is true, while everything falls apart around them, they continue to believe. 
All I can do is watch. My body won't let me move to Canada or anywhere else, so all I can do is peek out from behind the pine trees and hide behind the landscaping in front of my senior apartment and
It could be worse, they could a nuked us.
Life in USA is about to be a lot like life in Russia post communism. Lots of people thrive in Russia today, you find a way. 
Like so much in USA now, Memorial Day no longer has meaning and I'd rather Not be reminded of all those who died to protect Democracy when this generation is tossing the US constitution in the trash for tax breaks. 

Kay Ebeling
I have a stack of DVDs to take to my 20th Century Room and watch all day...

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