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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Zero Dark Thirty: zero for storytelling, feminism. a CIA tool of a movie

Zero Dark Thirty is a Big Disappointment, a one-note presentation of taking of bin Laden, per CIA. Print versions are more exciting so far. So glad Zero won almost no Oscars, the film is not good storytelling at all, and if a real female CIA operative acted that bitchy and incommunicative, they would not rise to that high a place in their careers.  Main character Maya set the women's movement back a notch as no one would want to work with her. . . 2 stars for a sanctioned history lesson.  Kathryn Bigelow is no journalist. 

Posted by 
Kay Ebeling
on Facebook.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Citizen Zombies Repeating Treasonous Phrases

From Facebook by me this AM:

Today I am perplexed at the condition of my country. I think NRA, Karl Rove's PACs and Fox News get overseas money, which is then used to disseminate lies through Opposite World sound bytes such as "Social Security is a ponzi scheme" and "guns don't kill people" etc. Maybe in china and the saudis, some magnate who hates America (pick one) uses this disinformation to sabotage the USA from within.  They turn citizens into zombies who then quote these treasonous phrases over and over until they believe them.  

We are under attack by our own words which are being written by our overseas enemies. 
That's what I think is happening in Amerika and it's damn scary.
* Not CPAC, the other PAC, the one run by Karl Rove. . .

-first posted by Kay Ebeling in Illinois today on Facebook, Friend me:

Kay Ebeling

Post to be continued:


Thursday, March 7, 2013

FB Grant Award Scam, the check will never clear

As posted today on Facebook:

FB SCAM EXPERIENCE: Weird one today person on FB messaged me, "just got a $50,000 check from Facebook Awards and your name is also on the list." I am broke enough to ask more, her name was "Patricia Hoyt" a recent friend here on FB, with child abuse action groups on her page, we had 3 mutual friends among her 53. When I asked for more she sent me to the "agent, Dennis Woods" who piped in needing my name address etc. I knew it was phishing. I asked more to see how it played out. Pat claimed her check came to her door by FedEx, in mutilated English, same errors Dennis made. Man, people fall for this stuff, they catch you when you're vulnerable. STRANGEST THING was when I said, this is a scam with a link to the website below, BOTH "PAT AND DENNIS" FB ACCOUNTS DISAPPEARED no trace of them, soon as I sent "her" that link, both "Pat" and "Dennis."
Visually, the shades of their names changed in the messages. My messages with the link below disappeared. In a few more seconds, both profiles disappeared entirely. Their friendly smiling faces, gone. People who fall for these things end up sending them money for fees or whatever, and the check may come, but it never clears. Here is the link to info about the scam, amazing.
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