How unfair that was for tRump to hold that press conference before the debate last night. It took me time to think about it, and this AM I looked it up to be sure. All Those Charges of Rape etcetera against Bill have been proved false, or not legitimate, even Special Prosecutor Ken Starr who was looking everywhere for a way to prosecute Bill, did not believe those rape charges.
For Trump to show up before the debate with four women who, like a scene in a Mad Magazine cartoon, are grinning at their chance to be on camera again, and then bring the fems into the auditorium to glare at Hillary during the debate was Hitting So Low.
Hitting a woman below the belt does not get same results as it gets with a man, I hope Trump learns soon.
I'm glad the Trump bubble is finally getting burst and his election is looking unlikely, but what does it say about us that it's his sex comments from 2005 that did it. Not his racism, xenophobia, hate mongering, fake Christianity, Islamophobia, imitations of Hitler, none of that, but his audacity to talk dirty on a bus with the guys 11 years ago. Americans make no sense to me.
Hillary seemed to be thinking, "I work all these years only to end up berated on stage by a buffoon," and then I thought of this song... Is That All There Is...
why would emerging nations want to "emulate" us after last night? I agree with Engel that the US lost credibility all over the world, after Trump's candidacy and the embarrassing displays put on as a result. How dare we claim we can export democracy to the world, no one wants democracy like this.
-kay ebeling