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Friday, March 23, 2018

I knew Smart Phones would be used by spies as soon as I saw one, thanks to CIA guy I dated in 1970s

For some reason as soon as the iPhone was introduced, I went, whoa oh no not me, that's just too easy to intercept, it's not secure. To this day when I think about my initial reaction to the smart phone, a face pops into my head, a CIA guy I dated for a while when I was working at NASA. The relationship didn't last long because he said I talked about him to my friends too much and I always wondered how he knew.… it was a strange relationship, where he’d go off on weeks long trips and come back and throw a foreign military officer uniform on his closet floor. 
Somewhere in our conversations, I learned about intelligence. During this time I also dated Air Force and Navy officers and even a couple astronauts, guys with high security clearances, although I myself couldn't get one because of my connections to Timothy Leary and the Peace and Freedom Party. I was hired before NASA required security clearances and pretty much had to leave after they started requiring them. 
However, somehow during that time I learned about intelligence and electronic communications at a level where I understand it instinctively, not technically really, but I know how it works and what spies are willing to do. 
So as soon as I saw a smart phone, that CIA guy’s face popped into my memory and I as soon as I saw one I also knew I KNEW that these phones could be used to compromise people. I didn't know it would be Russia or Facebook or what or how it would happen, I just knew. And I never got a smart phone, I love my flip phone, I leave my computer at home. 
I have one other memory connected to the Smart Phone in my life. When I was still doing City of Angels Blog about the pedophile priests, there were “agents” in my life who were keeping track of where I was and what I was doing, by phone or in person, and it was obvious to me they were questioning me and getting that information back to the church. They’d call me when I put on my blog that I was thinking of moving, suddenly curious about me, asking Where are you going, what are you going to do there. I knew they were working for the Church I didn't care, I talked to them anyway.
One time I could tell the agent/friend was keeping me on the phone with a boring uninteresting conversation and he seemed distracted, but he would not let me hang up. I was up here in Tahoe on my flip phone and there was a snow storm going on and I knew, I KNEW, he was trying to locate me with some satellite software designed to find smart phones and he could not find me. 
I finally even said to him, “I'm on a flip phone.” He hesitated and then stopped whatever he was doing and our conversation soon ended. 
Haven't heard from him since. 
So what I'm saying is, flip phones are all you really need. A laptop or desktop at home will keep you on Facebook and other things, you don’t need to be on the Internet when you're on transit or at the mall, there are humans there to talk to in person, you should try it. 
I think smart phones are part of the mass insanity that caused us to develop freeways and elect Donald Trump, to me it's all connected. 
Humans are making one stupid decision after another, at a mass level so all the other humans have to go along with the stupid decision, like moving to the suburbs and becoming dependent on cars, then not having any time to keep up with politics because you're driving all the time, so electing Donald Trump. 
One mistake after another led to the downfall of USA. Smart phones played a big part.
Posted by Kay Ebeling, producer, City of Angels Blog
Not just L.A., the city of angels is everywhere

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