From 2017, read Transcripts documenting the coup interviews with Malcolm Nance
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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Politics Aaarrrggghh

trump is doing a Great job for Putin. I Have No Doubt going after McCain was part of his assignment starting in 2015, so first chance he got, he tore into McCain's character with that Insane comment that he is not a hero bk he got captured. Only someone with Intel about McCain from the 1970s knows why Trump could say that, so Putin probably told Trump to say it and now no one will apologize for the "joke" in the White House about McCain dying. I'm sure Trump's other first assignment from Putin, after being installed as President, was to dismantle CIA and FBI to be replaced with, what.
Worst part of all this is watching a coup unfold and no one with the power to stop it (Congress, even DOJ) is stopping it. Bk the Coup first packed every other branch of US govt with brainwashed Fox viewers. This coup started in 1995 when they installed Fox News on every cable lineup in America and... DUMB AMERICANS tuned it in and did not question the blatant anti- American message there.
It's hard to feel sorry for Americans. I feel bad for what's happened to USA but most Americans deserve what they are about to get.
hmm, guess I'm still angry. Just typed this not first as a Word file just wrote this here in this little square, which I rarely do. Now going back to my escape into comedy movies with pre-freeway locations around L.A. my latest escape. Facebook friends and blog readers, Email me please at cityofangelslady @ yahoo dot com so we can exchange phone numbers and talk, I am so burnt on communicating online. I started in the nineties with list-servs and the internet has denigrated as much as everything else in USA. The Lake where I live is nice, if I get there before the traffic ... approaching age 70 I'm just looking forward to rebirth somewhere else, meanwhile, thank god for Netflix and YouTube and Prime. and I've got a big bathtub. You have to count your blessings.

"Only nation benefiting from US pullout from Iran deal is... Russia."
ta dah
Putin is Already in Iran making all the deals USA just ended. Oh and watch gas prices skyrocket, as in 2015 they only went down BECAUSE of Obama's negotiating this deal.
Oh dumb America, you did this to yourself.

Americans are now self destructing bk they walked right into a trap that lured them in by saying, hey, it's okay to hate here. You can hate brown people, you can hate uppity women, homoSEXuals, Just join us, we'll make you rich too by cutting your taxes. Blaaaahhhh, right-wing America, you were easy to snare bk you were dancing with the devil already. They designed Fox News and everything that followed to appeal to Americans' need to hate.
thank god I have a lake to look at, when I can get there... need to get there soon as the sun rises.

Need to work more on 2018 to 2081 as that is kind of more gratifying to write, but now and then I just need to rant 

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