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Monday, May 28, 2018

The Big Thud revisited

I've had the rug pulled out from under me so many times that I'm still not certain I'm moving into Tahoe Senior Plaza. Even though the manager talked to my past five years landlords and even though all three said they were sending documents one needs to get into a HUD senior project, even though I talked to one of them and he said he was sending it that afternoon, I am still sitting here scared that it won’t happen.
Honest that's what the last ten years of my life has done to me. I'm scared, distrust everyone, think people will scheme to work against me. Still. Because that did happen to me when I was doing City of Angels Blog about the pedophile priests from 2007 to about 2015 when I quit and all the weird stuff happening in my life came to a stop. Mostly. It’s so bad that as I learn more about Black Cube, the Israeli private spy corporation that helped get Trump elected, I see some of the tactics they have used politically in things that happened to me, especially when I was living in Chicago. “They sent operatives” to fuck with people’s lives, reports NBC. I know that several of the people who were in my life during those years were operatives, and I know something weird happened to Lizzie while I was in Chicago that was paid for by that archbishop, I just know it. Sometimes you feel something and know it's true, but you can't prove it. So I'm in a state of fear and perpetual distrust even now.
As I plan to move into my third senior project, I have to train myself to keep my mouth shut. Last thing I want is to effect a Big Thud, which was what used to happen every time I mentioned I was writing about the pedophile priests as one of the victims. Whatever conversation or activity was going on in a room came to a stop with a big thud.
Then after that, half the people hated me.
That years long experience gave me the perspective that the Catholic Church did an amazing job of convincing its members that the pedophile priest victims were pulling some kind of con, it wasn’t as big a deal as everyone says, kind of like what I say about Harvey Weinstein, which personally I've found perplexing so have been trying to keep my mouth shut about that too.
Lately while riding the Number Fifty bus on Sundays, I've seen many of my future neighbors from the senior place get on there and get off at the Catholic Church. Several locals do signs of the cross every time the bus passes the church. Crazy Mary who complains I smell of marijuana goes there more than once a week, always on Sunday, I think she still wears that safari hat.
Catholics are everywhere and I still have this thing that follows me everywhere I go, where anyone with an internet connection can Google my name and find the blog I wrote about the pedophile priests and it's caused me to Have To Move from the last two senior housing projects I lived in, one in Elgin one in Lancaster. One guy in Lancaster got so hostile to me after he found out I was a vocal pedophile priest “survivor” that he’d chase me around the grounds in his electric wheelchair scowling at me. He spied on me. I'd look up and see him looking in my window. He also volunteered on Sundays with children at the Catholic Church that was across the street from that apartment building.
So right now, today as I sit here having to wait at least until Tuesday maybe a couple days more before I have a definite move in date, I was actually crying a few minutes ago. Because I can't feel secure YET.
Because the rug has been pulled out from under me so many times, over and over, that I just expect it.
Maybe more than my apartment is about to change.
I still have an exit plan. If I don't move in there for some reason, I'm sure as hell not staying in this awful apartment with hollering crazy neighbors. So still have to start packing
I still have an exit plan, three of them actually, from last years of thinking of moving. Maybe I was crying because now I'll never move to Vancouver.
Hmm. Here is what I wrote about The Big Thud few years back: 

. I never bring up pedophile priests as there's no better way to bring a social situation to a Big Thud than to mention the topic on which ...

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Making myself laugh out loud

I often make myself laugh out loud as I sit here in my room alone working. Like just now, I was thinking of how beautiful and seductive I still am even though I'm almost seventy. 
I could go up to a guy and say, “Hey, want a lap dance? Just be careful I have arthritis in my hips.” 
That thought passed through my head and then I sat here laughing and laughing and laughing.

When the Bible says Israel, it does not mean a sliver of land created in WW2

I wonder if the Vatican Monk who found, translated, edited, and added to the Bible the passage about God giving land to Israel is still around in some spirit form to see how twisted that passage has become now in global politics. 
Yes, American Christians, the Bible is a compilation of writings gathered by Monks in the Brand New Vatican around the year Three Hundred AD, The idea that the Bible was “written by God” is an amazingly successful PR job.
The Bible is a compilation of writings by humans about God that was edited and published by monks who were assigned to the project after Constantine rode into Rome with a bunch of thugs holding giant crosses and claimed the nation for Jesus.
Two thousand years of repetition can truly twist the truth. There's no heresy in what I say, I'm not even denying there is a God. I'm saying the Bible was compiled by Vatican monks, it does not have the mystical powers humans give it, in fact that "mysticism" is a blatant form of manipulation by powerful leaders.
If the Bible does say Israel belongs to the Jews, it wasn't referring to a sliver of land created after World War 2. 

"God is not a real estate agent." I just heard an interviewee say on Richard Engel's report from Jerusalem tonight on NBC as I wrote this.
Man, humans, when are you going to start using the brains "god" gave you!?

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Making everyone on the bus laugh

As I got back on the bus, the driver who’d overheard an earlier conversation I had said to me, “Don’t believe what Crazy Mary says, she makes things up.” On an earlier ride, Mary, the very wrinkled lady who always wears a safari hat, replied to news I was moving into Senior Housing by telling me Harry the gambler was supposed to get that apartment, so now he was going to be gunning for me. But I already didn't believe her.
I told Jay the driver, “Oh I know Mary. A few months back, every time I got on the bus, she’d complain and get off right away, saying I smelled like weed.” As I walked back to a seat I continued, “And that just can't be true. Because I never exhale, it's too expensive.”
I sat down looked up and everybody EVERYBODY on the bus was laughing. Not just a short laugh, but one of those long, thoughtful laughs that last a long moment. Their chuckling noise blended with the sound of traffic, and they were nodding at me in appreciation, every person on the bus.
It's very gratifying to make people laugh and I think as I enter this time of life called Old Age, I'll be doing a lot of that. This little old lady’s life is FULL of comedy material.

Kay Ebeling

Misinformation is warfare because it kills people. 2081 part 5

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick suggested arming teachers and reducing the number of exits a school can have, two days after the Santa Fe, Texas, shooting that led to the deaths of ten persons, where early survivor reports said, "we couldn't get out the doors."
A lot of the misinformation pouring into USA now will result in more Americans getting killed, and U.S. Republicans repeat the misinformation, with patriotic fervor, working for a coup attacking the USA without even seeming to know it. The year 2018 can be seen as 2081, much like George Orwell saw 1948 as he wrote "1984" in isolation in Scotland.*** 
Misinformation is called warfare because it kills people.
After the Parkland Florida school shooting, the response from Republicans was to arm the teachers.  Inexplicable, illogical as it was, that sound bite that came from the NRA was repeated over and over until no real discussion on a solution could even begin after Parkland. Persons of reason found themselves arguing against an idea so absurd it's hard to come up with an argument against it, it's so obviously absurd.  Yeah sure add more guns into the mix especially when trained police officers often shoot the wrong person- see what I mean, I'm wasting my time now bringing up obvious arguments against arming teachers.
Arming teachers would result in more people getting killed.
After the Santa Fe Texas shooting Republicans repeated the next sound bite to come from the NRA: Our schools have too many doors.  Too many entrances means shooters have too many ways to enter schools, the sound bite appeared, and so instead of logic and concern, our news media put Republicans on air and in their print columns stating that a a solution to the school shooting epidemic is lock the exit and entrance doors.
Barricade the doors.  
In other words keep the students from being able to get out next time.  Several first hand accounts of life inside the art room closet in the Santa Fe shooting described not being able to get out of the room.  So yes, Republicans, lock more doors, add that to your crazy sound bite about arming students.
The end result of both ideas would be more Americans getting killed.
Some things the Republicans say, I hear clearly the underlying message.  And it's sinister.
In my imagination I see Putin and a few oligarch pals in a room somewhere, coming up with these ideas, and laughing at how easy it is to manipulate Americans.  Especially with the foundation they built by paying to get Fox News and its anti-American messaging on every cable lineup in the USA in the 1990s when no one was paying attention.
Someone is manipulating the message in a sinister way, that will result in more Americans being killed.  That's why it's called information warfare
Posted by Kay Ebeling
Producer of City of Angels Blog
not just L.A., the city of angels is everywhere


Gradually in increments the nation changes. 2081 continued:

By: Kay Ebeling
Gradually in increments so you don’t notice it day by day, the nation changes. 
For example, over past few years, the people staying in camp grounds in the resort town where I live have stopped being families on vacation and instead become families traveling desperate searching for a place to live, as 2018 converts in my head to 2081 much like George Orwell converted 1948 to 1984 as he wrote.***
I quit going to doctors a long time ago.  Every clinic is so overrun with patients that the harried medical staff  only have time to hear two or three words of your symptoms. Then the city college nursing grad, never a doctor, prescribes whatever medicine whose keywords match something you said.  Often the medicine has a new name but is no different from one that was taken off the market only months earlier for its killer side effects. 
The end result is poor people die, while pharma companies gather data on their new products, just one of many slow incremental changes people in USA have lived with over past few years. 
There are empty houses and condos in almost every U.S. city and yet thousands of people live on sidewalks, in cars, and in campgrounds and motels.
The empty houses in the resort town where I live were built for upscale renters, families on vacation with lots of money to spend.  But most families today are too broke to take a vacation. So the empty homes stay empty.  They sit in pristine condition, waiting for that illusive wealthy person to show up and rent them for one week, paying so much rent that it's worth it for the owner to keep the house empty most of the time.  
No one knows who the owners of the empty houses are or where they live.
Meanwhile, moms with kids live in motels and campgrounds while those houses stay empty.
In my head I'm a climate scientist. 
Sometimes in my head I still work at NASA, although lately for the first time in my life, I don't regret leaving my job at LBJ Space Center in Houston in 1983.  For years after coming back to L.A. and dabbling in different jobs but never really accomplishing much, I wished I was still at NASA, often cried in my cocktails about the opportunity I gave up there.
Then Donald Trump got elected in 2016 and, as President, started eviscerating scientists and moving smart people out of government agencies such as NASA that deal with science.  Now for the first time in my life I'm glad I didn't stay in Houston, where I was on a career path that guaranteed me that inevitably I would take steps up the salary G-levels 
I was hired as an Admin Tech, a program where if I didn't screw up, I’d end up in Washington, still at NASA or at some other agency, in some executive position.
Instead in 1983 I came back to Hollywood and worked at a chi-chi PR firm in Beverly Hills and then in 1987 got pregnant with Lizzie.
Even in the 1970s there were geologists at NASA already concerned about changes they were seeing in Arctic and Antarctic ice levels.
It was the climate scientist in me that moved me to South Lake Tahoe. In 2014, having no reason to keep living where I was, I got on a Google map and clicked on the little yellow man and started looking for a place to move.  As I walked up and down the streets here in South Lake, I saw all the shabby buildings here and figured, that's why so many rents are low in this chi-chi town in Craigslist ads. You can live, not great but live, in South Lake on less than two thousand dollars a month.
Often in conversations at the bus stop someone who’s lived in South Lake longer than I have will repeat a local maxim:  “It's poverty with beautiful scenery.” 
I moved to Tahoe because there's water here and the temperatures don’t go too intensely high or low and the air is clean if you go out early before the traffic fills the atmosphere with car exhaust. 
It is getting warmer here, like everywhere, but as long as you stay out of the sun, you can still stay cool in the summers. At some point people are going to start installing air conditioners, I predict.  Tahoe has Always been a summer resort, since white men first found it, because of its cool summers, but I bet in a few years more rentals will come with air conditioning.
There's water here, lots of it.  Lake Tahoe is more than a mile deep in places and huge.  Plus it's cold water, COLD water, so cold that people don’t really swim in it.  At the shallow sunny section of the lake at the Commons, mostly tourist swimmers take a dip, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone out there in the lake doing laps, your muscles would cramp up. 
The water in Tahoe is So Cold that long time locals say, if you ever dove down into it, you’d find perfectly preserved bodies of dead mobsters from the Nevada side. James Cameron should bring his device here for a dive, wonder why he hasn’t, but I digress.
He better hurry as our blue lake is turning turquoise and in some places green, because  of all the CO2, I think, from all the cars driving by to look at the beautiful lake.  They release gas, and it settles over then sinks into the water, turning it gradually from blue to green.
Posted by Kay Ebeling
Producer of City of Angels Blog
not just L.A., the city of angels is everywhere


There is a Deep State. It's in Russia.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Day Putin Came to Get Me

Short Fiction by Kay Ebeling
I saw them across the street, one of the few times I opened my curtains.
The noise my neighbors make all day long suddenly came to a stop.  So I turned my own volume down and heard the familiar sound of law enforcement outside, voices over a police radio.  Only this time the voices were speaking Russian.
Through the curtain I could see shiny new black vehicles and guys who looked beefy and trained pacing, patrolling a parameter.  My neighbors in the courtyard were startled, standing with beer can in one hand, cigarette in the other, wavering on their feet, mouth opened gaping, grateful to see that this arrival of The Man had nothing to do with them. 
The Man was coming for me, the “retired reporter” in apartment nine who hardly talks to anyone, just exits and vacates the building as fast as possible when she goes out. 
One of the FBI-looking guys was soon at my front door knocking with the kind of authority that made you jump and answer without delay.
Two of them entered and spoke to me in Russian accents, a third guy was American, and I mean he looked very American, blond beefy straight arrow military veteran American.
“I'm seventy years old,” were the first words out of my mouth pleading with them to go easy on me, even though my seventieth birthday isn’t for a few more months.
“Don’t worry,” said the blond Russian with a glint in his eye, and I was immediately relieved, knew he was telling the truth when he said, “We aren't going to hurt you.  Take a half hour and pack a few suitcases, everything you'll need.  You're not coming back.”
“What about the rest of my stuff?” I asked pointing to mostly boxes of books I’d accumulated over the years.   
He was placing my laptops into protective cases: “A crew will pack the rest and ship it to you. You will have it in a few weeks.”
“Weeks? Where am I going?”
“Moscow,” he smiled.  “Please start packing.”
Lucky for me, since Trump got elected President, I've had suitcases and clothes ready to go, because I've sensed there might come a time when I’d need to get out in a hurry, even made exit plans, but none that involved riding away in a limousine. 
“Why me?” I wondered out loud.
The blond who looked disarmingly like my daughter's Russian father so had that edge he needed to get close to me got real close to me and whispered.
“I will tell you this and then you must not repeat it ever again.”
My heart was going a mile a minute as he continued.
“Vladimir Putin reads your blog,” he said, and I got real worried. Because I haven't exactly been complimentary to the Russians as they have seemed to take over the USA and I really haven't been nice to Trump on my little blog. But he continued:
“Not the web page you call ‘Pundit’ but the other one, about the Catholic priests who were pedophiles.”
I was quizzical, stopped shoving the contents of my closet into a backpack and stared at him. He continued. 
“Vladimir Putin was molested by a Catholic priest, Russian Orthodox, when he was a boy,” the guy continued in a casual tone. eyes averting for a moment. “He found the things you wrote back in 2007, 2010 and he has great respect for you, that from a studio apartment in L.A., you were able to help expose these black collar criminals, with a blog.”
“Oh,” I said and for just a second felt that old awful feeling. “I really never wanted to talk about that subject again. I mean I moved to Tahoe to pretend the whole thing never happened.”
“Still, Mr. Putin feels he can use your skills, based on your blog. He also feels his experience with a priest as a boy had a great effect on him," He stopped and became very serious to say, "but he never discusses what happened with the priest."
He got very close to me and continued.
"In fact, he has told me to tell you this one time, and then once I have told you, tell you to never repeat it or even mention it again.”
I nodded, “Like I said, I really never wanted to write about pedophile priests again.”
He nodded and with a firm arm on my back, almost lifted me towards the front door.
"We have a job for you,” said the Russian guy who weirdly no longer looked like my ex. “You're going to work on our troll farm in St. Petersburg,” he said grabbing the rest of the suitcases and pushing them out the door. 
I often daydreamed about the day I’d finally get out of my slummy apartment where as a little old lady with a small pension I'm forced to live among criminals and deadbeats whose hollering begins around 9 AM and continues into the day, getting louder and more chaotic as the sun crosses the sky so when I'm home I have to have my own loud music playing to drown them out.
As we pulled away in a limousine that had its own wi-fi bathroom and kitchen, I looked back at my neighbors.  Natalie, who seemed to keep the nonstop party going, stood watching us pull away with her back hunched, gray hair stringing beside her crusted face, tongue lapping inadvertently from her lips, as always. 
The American guy said to me, “They won’t be around much longer.  Trust me, you will be glad we came to get you.”
And I wondered.  
By Kay Ebeling
Producer of City of Angels Blog
not just L.A., the city of angels is everywhere
all those docs handed over to Congress by DOJ today are now likely in the hands of Vladimir Putin, as our President Treason probably got them and uploaded them to Russia with his phone.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Fighting alongside 'ragged mob of obese Rambo infants sporting AR-15 hardware' not his thing

ha ha, gun sanity found on twitter
a President of the United States would not want to reveal methods and sources of U.S. intelligence
but Vladimir Putin would.

This is how the troll farms got their info (research)

In 2010 Israeli firm Wikistrat got American grad students, especially in poli sci and Law, to enter everything they knew while playing a Game ("gamification"), which in the end won one college the prize of $10K. Wikistrat (CEO Joel Zamel*) then provided source material for the Russian troll farms. "The Wikistrat platform enables the deconstruction of geopolitical issues and trends in a structured yet flexible manner,” Wikistrat press statements claim. 
Yeah, flexible.
Zamel "has described the Wikistrat platform as 'Facebook meets Wikipedia,' or GLOMOD."
More info on Wikistrat TK, I'm sure.
*Joel Zamel "studied counter terrorism" before founding the firm, named in last week's groundbreaking NY Times piece re Trump/Russia/Saudi Arabia.

Wikistrat Inc. is a geostrategic analysis and business consultancy founded in Israel in 2010[1] and headquartered in the United States. It describes itself as the world's first crowdsourced consultancy leveraging a global network of over 2,000 subject-matter experts.[2][1]

Mueller could end up being a blogger.

By Kay Ebeling
Anyone else remember the warnings late 2016 that the information warfare attack on USA would now focus on left wing progressives? When several former intelligence guys went to the news to warn Americans after Putin turned the U.S. rightwing into Fox News zombies and got Donald Trump elected? All those intel professionals predicted the information warfare would continue with the Left as its target. The news manipulation would Be More Sophisticated, indeed now be empowered, because the President of the United States was not going to do anything to stop an act of war going on against our own nation. 
Now I'm wondering about every news story that has appeared and dominated our news cycle in the past year.  Because while one weird quote gets discussed and analyzed for days, news readers don’t really know what the president is doing all day.  Who is he talking to, who is around him, what decisions is he making? Instead, the president's lawyer Rudy Giuliani goes on TV and distracts all of us.
Physically this is having a bad effect on me and probably other Americans.  I can feel so wonderful after a day in Tahoe, come home go to sleep, get up start next day, turn on the news and everything is suddenly awful.
I don't want to turn into one of those people who never pays attention to the news, because I think people like that helped destroy America. If more people had been paying attention, this coup would not be happening.
I keep waiting for the Big Act that will finally make this Trojan Horse presidency stop.  Instead Trump just keeps on going.
Not only is no one slowing Trump down, the Trojan Horse / Virus President seems to find ways around everything the DOJ, Mueller, Democrats, thinking Republicans, independents, and what's left of federal law enforcement are doing to stop him.  
This is fricking scary.  
I don't think Mueller’s investigation is going to save the day, I think Trump and his a—hole cohorts have a scheme they are going to pull off to stop it.
Bob Mueller may have to start a website, become a blogger, to report findings of his investigation, while Trump stays in office and the damage of this weaponized President goes on and on and on.
By Kay Ebeling
Producer, City of Angels Blog 
Not Just L.A., the city of angels is everywhere
Connect here
Kay Ebeling
or email cityofangelslady @ yahoo . com

Sunday, May 20, 2018

I Am Legend joins 2018 to 2081, as Trump chaos plays out like Orwell's 1984

You don’t have to invert 2018 to 2081 for the title of today's version of 1984, as Orwell did writing in 1948, because the political horror story is going on today, it's not futuristic fiction. 
Now I'm reminded of the film, "I Am Legend."
Recently I clicked on a Bill Maher video on YouTube and as I wandered around the house, the Auto Play continued through several videos from past few years, lots of monologues from Bill Maher and other comedians.  As the clips play. it feels like I'm in those scenes of the movie “I Am Legend” where the hero is in his kitchen while videos play, news clips that show how his apocalyptic world went from embrace of a cure for cancer to a medical catastrophe that turned humans who didn't die from it into zombie-like monsters.  Will Smith as Dr. Robert Neville, the character first introduced in Richard Matheson’s novel, eats breakfast and watches reruns of videos that explain how his world became the hellscape it is in the film. 
Today I'm watching Bill Maher and Seth Meyers and Stephen Colbert clips from the past two years and it's as if I am Robert Neville in “I Am Legend” watching video of what just happened to the United States.
Are they telling us in advance that Nazi like storm troopers are coming soon?
Lately I hear Trump and Giuliani say the FBI is acting like nazi storm troopers and many pundits saying how strange that is, how it makes no sense.
Remember how everything the Trumpsters accused Hillary of doing, such as pay for play and rigging the election, turned out to be something the Trumpsters were actually doing themselves?
Recently we learned that Trump’s thugs raided his own doctors’ offices soon after he became President, with no legal reason, just to seize the new president’s medical records. Are Nazi-like raids what all of us in USA are in for soon?
I think so. I think as long as they are calling the FBI storm troopers in the way they served a search warrant on Michael Cohen, the Trumpsters are planning to build a new FBI that actually is full of storm troopers.
My passport is still good. . .

The Trump revamped FBI likely Will Be storm troopers, if Donald Trump is not impeached indicted and sent to Guantanamo

This was amazing information warfare that brought down the USA, mainly in 2016, but it was an attack of misinformation that dates back to 1995.
No weapons of war, no bullets, no blood even, unless you count guys picking up guns to kill strangers after years of hearing someone was coming for their guns. 
What frightens me is what happens after one or two generations of this misinformation, the limited amount of real truth that gets to humans amidst all the drivel. 
In two generations Americans won’t even remember truth.
We Will All Be Like Russians
I watch documentaries and news reports about how people in Russia live, and up until about a year ago Americans like me were shocked that Russians could be so misinformed, could be so devoted to corrupt political leaders that they believe everything they say even though it's contrary to the truth being seen by the rest of the world.
Americans are rapidly becoming just as brainwashed as Russians.
Since the last days of the 2016 election, I've felt a fear and now that he's in office 1.5 years, the fear is distinct.  As a little girl, I’d feel a similar visceral fear when I’d hear about how easy it was to change the way people thought in the 1950s Soviet Union.
By Kay Ebeling
Producer, City of Angels Blog 
Not Just L.A., the city of angels is everywhere

Moderates will gradually wake up to what is going on, but how long will it take?

I feel pretty certain the Trojan Horse President is INSTALLED and there won't be any impeachment until we admit that's what he is so likely not for months. Hard to describe this, but to me "it feels like Trump is Winning," and when Bill Maher said those exact words on his show last Friday, I got the chills, just like when he said, "this isn't a campaign, this is a coup," on his last show before Nov 2016 election. This Ain't Gonna Stop and in USA we are being lulled and mesmerized into a state of complacency for when the final coup happens, over next year or so. I am still planning exit strategies.
As this article shows, now that this infowar against us has gone on all these years, a few connected individuals are starting to disconnect. After 1.5 years of the Trump presidency, which in itself is an attack by information warfare, moderate Americans are starting to become unglued, here suggesting a school boycott as "an aggressive approach" re school shootings, but I think we'll see more radical ideas from usually moderate people in coming weeks.
"The idea was intended to be provocative but that an aggressive approach like a school boycott is needed if gun laws are ever going to change," said Obama's former education secretary. 
Posted by Kay Ebeling
spending long hours on Google Maps with the little yellow man walking up and down city streets in foreign lands, trying to find someplace to move to get away from Trumpism. Not finding any place.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

I watch The Florida Project over and over again 
because I am Moonee as a little old lady.

Breathtaking, Exhausting

The process seems to be starting Now to prove the election that produced this awful president was illegitimate, 1.5 years after he took office. Now it’ll be How Many More Months before someone actually removes Trump from the White House, and then what? Do we get to undo every illegal destructive act he's done while in office? Does the USA get back any credibility anywhere in the globe? How do we undo the damage he's doing now, when we can't even find a way to get him out of office as he continues to damage now getting more global, having more impact on more lives, 
How do we undo everything Trump has already done as President, and when do we fucking start?
So it's true, Stephen Paddock, LV shooter, was a Fox News crazed brainwashed zombie. A witness who interacted with him before massacre said, 'Paddock began talking about "anti-government stuff, FEMA camps…" said Katrina was a "trial run" for the government to start "kicking down doors and, um, confiscating gun." He "seemed like another internet nut." '
How many other mass killings are the result of Fox News's brainwashing of half of America, not to mention the disastrous President we ended up with, who is also a Fox News Zombie. Fox News, I think, is ground zero of this coup that destroyed USA.

About this article
Las Vegas Police released round two of items from the Oct. 1 mass shooting that killed 58. In this round, it's witness statements and officer's reports.
I really wonder why Every Cable News Network is droning on and on about Trump's stormy daniels stuff, which is news, yes, but Not the Only news going on. You have to dig, search, go to Foreign News outlets to find other news though, which is, I think, getting incrementally worse and reason for great alarm. Anyone? 
With every event, from release of LV massacre news to release of President Treason news, a hundred media stories are released, globally, all with different headlines. However, click on each story, you find they all use exact same words, phrases, even repeat whole paragraphs. 
To me this "copy and paste" reporting is a weird incrementally negative development. 
My first job as a reporter in 1977 on a daily paper, they laughed at me when I went to copy from a Press Release, cajoling me for believing a corporate statement. Now copying press statements is all news is.
I miss beat reporters, I don't think Ronan Farrow has ever worn out a pair of shoes, or even torn a sleeve, working on a story and I doubt he talks to people outside Manhattan and D.C. Picking up the phone or clicking on an email and believing what you are told is NOT NEWS REPORTING.
I miss gritty daily news reporters who reflected the personality of the cities they served. I miss that.

I predict, in 20 years the world’s most polluting businesses will be manufacturing on U.S. soil, devastating our environment, while China becomes a thriving green harmonic place for its people to live. Americans will work for dirt poor wages and live dirt poor lives, much like we used to see in China and see less of there today. And through it all, Trumpsters will still hold hate rallies to chant “lock her up lock her up” at a fading image of Hillary Clinton.
Posted by Kay Ebeling
bk the City of Angels is Everywhere