Russia's Garasimov Doctrine uses unconventional warfare to weaken an opponent (USA) installing agents in media or leadership where they can cause disarray, especially w/disinformation, so institutions we've always relied on suddenly don't work anymore. Exactly what is going on now w/SCOTUS, Congress, trolls in media, QAnon, some police forces (Uvalde), the NRA misinterpretation of 2nd Amendment, people refusing to cooperate with public health, etc. All these disruptions result in dead Americans without Russian soldiers having to pick up a weapon.
Gerasimov doctrine - Wikipedia
The Gerasimov Doctrine, named after the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces army general Valery Gerasimov, is a foreign policy doctrine.[1][2][3]
8 CommentsRussia et al are conducting war against USA from computers in a building, likely in St. Petersburg. And most Americans don't even suspect they are being attacked
Russia et al are conducting war against USA from computers in a building, likely in St. Petersburg. And most Americans don't even suspect they are being attacked
There are likely more Garasimov disruptions going on now in USA, such as real estate developers building luxury condos while millions of Americans are homeless, such as the messaging from Big Oil (in which Russia and Saudi Arabia are major players) convincing Americans to buy huge SUVs and burn more gas, because global warming is a hoax...
It started around 2012 with comments showing up on every internet publication story, spreading the opinions we later saw from QAnon. the G Doctrine also placed agents in small towns near military bases where they wrote letters to the editor** to local newspapers spreading the same message that was suddenly appearing on Fox News. Since the lies were repeated on Fox, they had credibility, even though they were outlandish and contradicted history.
The Garasimov Doctrine report came out publicly in 2013
QAnon appeared in early 2017, soon after D Trump took office as president, with documented help from Russia. His election lay open a wide arena for the disinformation to spread anti-American messaging.
Now we have red white and blue splangled memes calling on social media for one group of Americans to pick up guns and shoot another group of Americans, posted proudly by assault rifle wielding candidates for local and national political offices.
on Facebook: Kay Ebeling
** Here us a sampling of letters to editor from 2014 that I read in Antelope Valley Press near Edwards Air Force Base that show the beginnings of Garasimov Doctrine at work in USA:
June 3, 2014
Do this or else?
President Barack Obama and the
Democrats are using federal funding to blackmail America.
Joseph O, Palmdale
(No date or title saved for this one: )
They are confiscating our guns,
too in order to prepare us for planned slavery and death.
We should not stand for this and
we should stop it now, just as our founding leaders did who built this great
country. We must band together and fight tyranny and demand the enforcement of
our Constitution and Bill of Rights and to preserve our heritage.
Ed N, Palmdale
April 8, 2014 (note the editors say they will not publish letters longer than 300 words, yet:)
Administration is fleecing this
A fleecing of America and
burlesque pageantry continue under this administration. The recent face to face
meeting between our current president (sic) and the pope was a study in the
contrast of characters.
While one has devoted a lifetime
to the love and betterment of humanity, the other devoted himself to defrauding
the people who had hoped for better.
The pope has washed the feet of
the poor and non-believers and humbly avoided the trappings of office.
In contrast, our president's
contact with the poor is through speeches. His community activism seems to have
noticeably avoided the troubled kids of Chicago's projects in favor of
promoting unions.
As far as the concern with
elevating the impoverished and spreading the wealth of America to all, allowing
Michelle Obama and mother-in-law to play dress-up and begin an early farewell
tour of the world on the presidential aircraft, is more comparable to spreading
the bill to all Americans.
Pope Francis seems to shun his
papal trappings and probably blushes as some approach to kiss the pontiff's
ring. This is in contrast to our president, who fully embraces the symbols of
office and thoroughly enjoys the prospect of anyone approaching to kiss his uh, presidential trappings.
Substance or style? The
electorate needs to choose. Do you want to succeed on your own merits, or do
you want to continue casting protest votes for anyone promising to stick it to
the establishment and put "free beer in all the milk machines"?
Scott F, Quartz Hill
Vote them out and corruption goes
Reading about the corruption in
Sacramento by three high-ranking Democrats: I'm so disgusted by the corruption
in Senate. This is why when I hear anything about any gun-control laws by
liberals and the misinformed Brady Campaign, I roll my eyes at the notion that
these liberals actually think if they pass another gun-control law it will
actually save lives.
We all know the facts go against
these new laws. Notice you never hear the liberals talk about the corruption
that is going on in the Democratic party? From the IRS to the state Senate,
it's time to vote them out of office.
Randy A, Palmdale
Are there still doubts about his
Before I state my views of
President Barack Obama please let me disclose the following items:
Investigators for Arizona's
Sheriff Joe Arpaio recently stated that Obama's birth certificate is
Attorney Orly Taitz has a lawsuit
against the Social Security Administration for concealing records regarding
Barack Obama's use of a stolen Social Security number that formerly belonged to
Harrison Bounel (1890), who lived in Connecticut but moved to Hawaii not long
before his death.
Madelyn Payne Dunham, Obama's
grandmother, worked part-time in the Honolulu courthouse and had access to
Social Security numbers of deceased individuals.
Barack Obama had a communist
mentor at an early age called Frank Marshall Davis and he also associated with
others like Bill Ayers, a domestic terrorist.
The Communist Party USA actively
supported Obama's senatorial race.
If you were a communist and your
goal was to destroy America from within what would you do differently than
Obama is doing as our president?
Too many questions are not being
answered and if it were any other president he would be forced to be forthright
and answer to the American people. Where did he come from? How did he get
elected when no one had heard of him before? No college records have been
disclosed. He makes excuses for America, and on his visit to Muslim country he
bowed to their leader. That alone should get you wondering if he really does
have Americans in his best interest.
Sharon R, Lancaster
How did all these people in small town USA come to be repeating Fox News faux news sound bytes in letters to the editor of the AV Press in 2014?
The Garasimov Doctrine got to them...
UPDATE: New Yorker confirms my theory that disinformation went on for decades through media sites such as Fox News*The American political landscape also offered a particularly soft target for dezinformatsiya, false information intended to discredit the official version of events, or the very notion of reliable truth. Americans [in 2016] were more divided AND
every bit of that fake news was DESIGNED to reach people at a visceral level of hate. They had to want to hate Hillary in order to
glad I was not an employed journalist last two decades as when the Trump patrol comes to round up the reporters, it'll pass me by. I'm just a broke old lady in a resort town, hiding...
Hate to say it but Hillary fell for Trump’s reality show type trick in this election. She's spent the last months pointing out to people that he's a jerk when that was obvious. Trump was running as a jerk.
The USA is now more violent than ever in recent history.
No matter what your politics are, this is not a good development.
Posted by Kay Ebeling,
Producer City of Angels Blog since January 2007
The City of Angels is Everywhere
8 Commentsthey are conducting war against USA from computers in a building, likely in St. Petersburg. And most Americans don't even suspect they are being attacked