Libertarians believe in social darwinism. They know that poor people will die, disabled people will die under their laws, and that just proves their point: In a survival of the fittest kind of Wild West world they envision, only the healthy strong, indeed Purest Human Race humans, will survive. It's a new naziism based on eliminating humans who struggle and don't have good karma and aren't born to rich parents or in places with lots of resources. Everyone who makes less than $50K a year is, in other words, a jew to these new nazis.
Deleted Tweet:
Libertarians Know poor people will die w/their laws. Everyone who makes less than $50K a year is a jew in the eyes of the new nazis.
Funded by readers through PayPal, available for all to read
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Don't Bother telling right-wingers that poor people will die, that's what they want

The coup control so much already and they have only started
In order to watch a news story about US politics, one if FORCED to watch the spokesmodels Trump has hired to obfuscate the coup, and his babbling airheads dominate the coverage. Your choice is to sit through their awful noise or turn it off. The coup control so much already and they have only started
Every day it gets a little worse, as they destroy us in increments, and we, like frogs in a boil pot, are just starting to notice the water is getting hot.

Monday, June 26, 2017
Politicorgasm Defined
politicorgasm: Used in a sentence: He Tweets and all over the world people react, which gives Donald Trump a politicorgasm.

USA developed the tech that our enemies then used against us and it was all possible BECAUSE the usa did not bother to educate its own people about the technology. Half of Americans don't even know what a bot is, when it is a cyber weapon used and still being used against us.
At some point, you can't blame the govt for everything. Anyone can go to a library and learn what the internet is, anyone can save four hundred dollars to buy a laptop, so-
I have no feeling now except Americans deserve what they are going to get.
Hmm. I walk around with my little old lady smile most the time, dressed up with a sun hat. And inside I Am So Pissssssssed Off
At some point, you can't blame the govt for everything. Anyone can go to a library and learn what the internet is, anyone can save four hundred dollars to buy a laptop, so-
I have no feeling now except Americans deserve what they are going to get.
It's like all those people I see interviewed in L.A. who complain that they can't get a job bk they don't know Spanish. Well Fucking LEARN the language that half the people around you are speaking then. DUH!!!
Hmm. I walk around with my little old lady smile most the time, dressed up with a sun hat. And inside I Am So Pissssssssed Off

Seeing how FoxNews now acts as State TV, who can doubt they ran the Misinformation campaign that Ruined the USA from their startup in 1995?

Thursday, June 22, 2017
no news is good news, literally, none of it
wish I didn't care, fantasize about just not reading the news... can't. Have read news first thing upon awakening My Entire Life and it's Never Been This Bad (born 1948). This AM all over the news, Hate Rallies are back so I get to see my fellow Americans in Iowa salivate over human suffering and cheer President T who emanates Pure Hatred and they love that about him, they think he's a rumpled version of christ and I think T looks like satan if he took on human form. Then bk international affairs are my thing I go to Reuters and have it confirmed that the Saudis tricked T into siding with them and soon we will be at war with Iran... I KEEP WAITING for some forceful response from the sane side of the USA and- at first I wrote here that waiting for a real response from the left is like having sex with a guy who's impotent, then realized that is not fair, bk at least the guy who's impotent does SOMETHING.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017
I'm sure Repubs did nothing untoward in winning two more elections today, they are so popular right now, plus have always been honest and straightforward and Repubs have won every other election lately so fair and square...

Where the F is the Revolution? We Need One
I have no hope that we will ever find out the truth about Trump or how Someone is controlling these elections and every other dept of the govt when Republicans are not liked except by a small group of people, it feels too big, like they already got so much power that there is no way to stop them, we can march in the street and call our senators and they will just keep doing what they are going to do, we are like fleas or gnats bugging them no more than that. they will suck out all the resources and live on the wealth and the rest of us have to figure out how to fend for ourselves, don't expect them to change or suddenly become compassionate. We are colonists and they hate us that's why they spent 20 plus years effecting this coup, they aren't going to be suddenly sweethearts. Stock up on supplies and practice being hungry...
They suck out resources and get so wealthy they can't think of anything more to do with the money, they buy more and more mansions, yachts, cars cars cars the price of each could support a family for years, with all this money it never dawns on them to build... affordable housing, factories that employ and pay people... they just eat eat eat drink drink- hire doctors to medically remove the fat and then go back to eating and drinking. Buy Spanks for $700 that pull in and hide all the fat so they can keep eating and eating and drinking. And all we can do is watch...?
It feels too big to stop this power moving in to control, especially when we really don't know who or what it is. But we have to stop pretending this is still the same old United States we all grew up with, obviously it's not.
posted by Kay Ebeling
bored by the rich
They suck out resources and get so wealthy they can't think of anything more to do with the money, they buy more and more mansions, yachts, cars cars cars the price of each could support a family for years, with all this money it never dawns on them to build... affordable housing, factories that employ and pay people... they just eat eat eat drink drink- hire doctors to medically remove the fat and then go back to eating and drinking. Buy Spanks for $700 that pull in and hide all the fat so they can keep eating and eating and drinking. And all we can do is watch...?
It feels too big to stop this power moving in to control, especially when we really don't know who or what it is. But we have to stop pretending this is still the same old United States we all grew up with, obviously it's not.
posted by Kay Ebeling
bored by the rich

George Orwell and Me
If George Orwell were alive today, he'd be a blogger.
I don't want to forget when I finally get to writing this, the intimacy, the closeness, the sense of touch I felt as I held both my hands up to my cheek and it felt like one hand went numb and turned into another person’s or entity’s hand. And as I filled with emotion, I could feel the entity too filling with emotion, letting me know it was here
I don't want to forget when I finally get to writing this, the intimacy, the closeness, the sense of touch I felt as I held both my hands up to my cheek and it felt like one hand went numb and turned into another person’s or entity’s hand. And as I filled with emotion, I could feel the entity too filling with emotion, letting me know it was here
It was not a solid experience, I didn't see a “GHOST”
but it was definitely something, and as it touched me I knew, I wasn’t alone. I
knew it had been there with me when I walked around crying last year here in
this apartment, I knew it hadn’t been my imagination, the entity really had
been reading over my shoulder last few months as I read the news of terrorist attacks,
becoming especially Present and Intense during Manchester and London Bridge, and last few days watching footage of Grenfell Tower.
As I'm working, in the background a video comes on YouTube describing the opulence of Donald Trump’s life, including a fifty thousand dollar cake at his wedding to Melania and
I feel revulsion coming from the entity, again, always behind me.
Another time, I'm at the sink chopping lettuce when Theresa May is responding to questions about the Grenfell Tower fire as if it were a bad rain storm and I swear I felt the rage coming from the entity all the way from across the room, it was so intense.
Then another time I said out loud to myself, “Oh that's reassuring,” as the Archbishop of Westminster was praying on TV over the Grenfell victims, and again I felt him / it / the entity consoling me.
Does the entity know I'm also one of the pedophile priest victims?
Is the entity really George Orwell?
![]() |
Orwell / Blair |
One of the first times I felt its presence was
when I was entering a shortcut to the software I use to do transcription of
videos for reality TV shows, work that comes in through my email and allows me
to live in South Lake Tahoe, though the company I work for is in Burbank.
The software isn’t anything sophisticated, just Word. Every time I come across a word that is
repeated often in the interviews I transcribe, I input a shortcut into “Auto Correct” so B F L is beautiful, U S L is usually, etcetera. As a result I
am able to get down what people say at pretty much the speed at which they
speak, a skill that gets me paid by the page while I work over the internet for
clients such as Disney and Steven Spielberg.
I am a sub sub sub contractor so never speak to anyone at a studio, in fact I've
never even met my boss, she's an entity that comes in through my email with
instructions and “have a nice day” signatures with emoticons.
One morning as I was transcribing, the interviewee
said the word “festival” and I decided that word had been coming up enough
lately to to put it in my software- I opened Auto Correct and typed in F S V and clicked to make those three letters
from now on spell out the word festival. I made the entry and came back to the manuscript where
the letters f s v had magically turned into the word Festival, and I heard what
was almost an out rush of breath- an excitement a release behind me that was so
intense I felt it.
The entity seems to get really excited at how easy it
is to cut and paste and edit with Word software.
He's been fascinated by the whole operation of how I
do my job, where I go to my email and find links to download videos to work on
them for television shows.
So I want to capture that moment of intimacy at the opening
of this story.
How this started
At 3 AM on June 6, 2017, I posted on Facebook:
If George
Orwell were alive today, he'd be a blogger.
At 3:05:
I hit send on
that post [June 6] just as one minute of silence for London Bridge victims started on Sky News
streaming on the other laptop, and I swear I felt it so much a part of me I burst into tears and apparently so did he. Sometimes I think George Orwell or some entity like him is here with me in Tahoe, a
spiritual presence that nudges me to write what I write. So I am now entertaining
a fantasy that George Orwell is right here with me, he even held my cheek as we watched the minute of silence on Sky News live from England. Now,
back to work, I may run with this as a story..
Then commented on my own comment:
Kay Ebeling My job is even kinda like
Winston Smith's the character in Orwell's 1984. He was rewriting news stories.
I transcribe video that ends up on reality TV... OMG I'm even living in isolation in a small northern rural area like
Orwell was when he wrote 1984...
I know that George Orwell is not his real name, but the
spiritual entity that made Orwell slightly mad and write the things he wrote is
perhaps now inhabiting me.
My life and Job DO kind of parallel George Orwell.
EARLIER that week I wrote:
EARLIER that week I wrote:
tell me I don't have weird karma. I am in dark of night working on files for
Unusual Suspects, a true crime show. This client also produces Blood Relatives
and Murder Among Friends. The main reason my family fell apart was a
murder/embezzlement in 1997 that could be one of the BR files. The residual
effects led to me living here alone in a strange town with this strange job,
and here I sit, about to spend 6 hours or so hearing the intimate details of
yet another murder that happened recently in America, many of which will never
make it to broadcast. But I learn, I learn about the kitchen device the
murderer used in shocking ways to ravage her body, I learn the complicated
family dynamics that no one will put on television, so strange, so strange, I
This is the
kind of shit that will turn a mind dark, even if it isn't inclined to be. Be
careful. Reality will unhinge a person. And it is a strange life, for sure,
where it wraps around in weird squirming coil kind of ways
Kay Ebeling i know that's why I say my karma is so
weird that i have to do this
Soon posted this thinking
it could be beginning of a 21st century version of Orwell's 1984
Consulting, let me guide you through your fall from middle class to poverty,
includes therapy to help you accept New Slavery as the only employment
available, Plus business strategies for selling your belongings and downsizing,
and tips on how to "relocate" not into a homeless shelter but, thanks
to our new Chinese partners, Dormitories. Contact me here in a PM. Fees
(sort of)
Oh, of course, there was no real George Orwell:
Oh, of course, there was no real George Orwell:
Eric Arthur Blair (25 June 1903 – 21 January 1950), better
known by his pen name George Orwell,
When I went to Wikipedia just now to get his real
name, I swear, I could sense it over my shoulder behind me, excited to read what
it says on Wikipedia about him.
This could be the entity that embodied Eric Blair when he
wrote his books, about 80 years ago. Now the Orwell entity has come back to
Earth curious about what's happening on the planet, and it found me with my two
laptops going almost 24 hours a day streaming live news up here on a mountain top
in Tahoe, plus for my job I'm transcribing videos for TV shows, which any journalist
ghost would find fascinating.
Of course the ghost of Orwell would want to hang around here, it's an
interesting human habitation. He / it may have even
been drawn to this location while passing the planet because of Facebook posts I put up earlier:
Posted Jan 07, 2017
The USA was attacked, successfully, through video monitor
screens. Wow, it really is sci-fi come to life. Orwell. 1984 accelerated
And later in January:
The only reason for Trump to keep doing those rallies is to keep
the mesmerized mesmerized. Then those people go into the world being Very
Useful Fools. Did George Orwell write this?
Both of which could have been written by the entity who was George Orwell last century.
So now that I think of it, if George Orwell / Eric
Blair were alive today he probably would be a blogger. And he’d be posting
updates such as I just posted today:
TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2017
Being attacked from within
We have to stop thinking of this as a real presidency and accept that
it's a coup, they [Saudi/putin?] installed this president to destroy us and
everything we stand for, and they are getting away with it, bk we keep
expecting Trump to act American. He's a puppet and we are becoming a colony,
and if you think of it that way, everything they are doing makes sense. You can
stop wasting time trying to make them do it right, and get to the real job of
FIGHTING them as we are under attack from within
Trump is taking payments and getting rich off Presidency as that is part of deal he struck, he just has to dance like a clown and destroy the USA, and his reputation, and in exchange the coup lets him make as much money off it as he can.
Then Trump will end up in Eastern Europe with a villa that does not even have a road leading to it.
Trump is taking payments and getting rich off Presidency as that is part of deal he struck, he just has to dance like a clown and destroy the USA, and his reputation, and in exchange the coup lets him make as much money off it as he can.
Then Trump will end up in Eastern Europe with a villa that does not even have a road leading to it.
So, nice having you around, Orwell, or, well, whoever you
Kay Ebeling wish I had a writing partner, or editor... a human one
Posted by Kay Ebeling

Being attacked from within
We have to stop thinking of this as a real presidency and accept that it's a coup, they [Saudi/putin?] installed this president to destroy us and everything we stand for, and they are getting away with it, bk we keep expecting Trump to act American. He's a puppet and we are becoming a colony, and if you think of it that way, everything they are doing makes sense. You can stop wasting time trying to make them do it right, and get to the real job of FIGHTING them as we are under attack from within
Trump is taking payments and getting rich off Presidency as that is part of deal he struck, he just has to dance like a clown and destroy the USA, and his reputation, and in exchange the coup lets him make as much money off it as he can.
Then Trump will end up in Eastern Europe with a villa that does not even have a road leading to it.
Posted by Kay
saying, what? How can one be patriotic in a place like this?
Trump is taking payments and getting rich off Presidency as that is part of deal he struck, he just has to dance like a clown and destroy the USA, and his reputation, and in exchange the coup lets him make as much money off it as he can.
Then Trump will end up in Eastern Europe with a villa that does not even have a road leading to it.
Kay Ebeling - Legal Thieves, usually white men in suits and haircuts that cost more than my rent, have honed the skill of GettingAwaywithAnything in USA as long as you hire enough lawyers.
WTF? Global chaos?
On Monday, Russia said it has ceased its military cooperation with the United States in Syria over the downing of the plane, referring to the act as "military aggression."
On Monday, Russia said it has ceased its military cooperation with the United States in Syria over the downing of the plane, referring to the act as "military aggression."
Posted by Kay
saying, what? How can one be patriotic in a place like this?

Sunday, June 18, 2017
waiting for everyone else to catch up
I think USA is a colony now. I think they did this while we were all distracted by things They Distracted Us with, such as Donald Trump's campaign, and now we are all wondering why things aren't working... this started in 1995 with Misinformation in our media mainly Fox and until we admit this critical part, that half our population is BRAINWASHED, we won't be able to stop it. Right now I"m getting tired of repeating that since I started pointing to this "Weaponization of Information" in 2013 read my LTEs in Antelope Valley Press and finally heard hillary use that expression a few weeks ago. They even brainwashed our service men and women: Fox News played nonstop on military bases for years, droning that false news into their heads. For now I'm going to wander around looking for respite until everyone else catches up so glad I live in Tahoe as escape Is Possible here. Strangest thing is the nation that took us over is not a nation it's a borderless entity made up of people so powerful and wealthy they are beyond our comprehension, aka the Global Elite, the 1 percent, Saudi/Putin, we don't even have a real name for it.
Kay Ebeling
9 hrs · "It's gonna be great, believe me, you're gonna love it," said Donald about how Everything would be after he got elected, and what he meant was the USA's new role as a colony of...
I'm paranoid enough to think someone purposely put the cladding on the side of Grenfell Tower in a way that caused it to serve as a chimney, assuring the destruction of the building in a fire, everything is Too Strange, the unsafeness of the bldg being ignored past years AND the fact it was public housing in midst of wealthiest neighbors in the World and it was populated by many Refugees who read the Koran and I am not beyond thinking it was done on purpose bk the wealthy elite wanted that property.
I'm paranoid enough to think someone purposely put the cladding on the side of Grenfell Tower in a way that caused it to serve as a chimney, assuring the destruction of the building in a fire, everything is Too Strange, the unsafeness of the bldg being ignored past years AND the fact it was public housing in midst of wealthiest neighbors in the World and it was populated by many Refugees who read the Koran and I am not beyond thinking it was done on purpose bk the wealthy elite wanted that property.

Saturday, June 17, 2017
Putin probly didn't like Obama opening doors to Cuba so...
even at age 70, I wish Prince Valiant would appear on the horizon and take me outta here- preferably to Paris. Or to make things more tolerable here, Prince Valium... trump Was doing what Putin wanted when he undid Obama's work in Cuba last week...
posted by Kay

Yes, our Constitution is working and these thugs will be removed from office.
Hope "Eventually" comes before so many Events happen we can't get there.
Yes, our Constitution is working and these thugs will be removed from office.
Hope "Eventually" comes before so many Events happen we can't get there.

Friday, June 16, 2017
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Remember: the misreading of Second Amendment that led to gazillions of guns in our culture is result of same Fox News Misinformation Machine that got Donald Trump elected, so... guess what's happening now. Mass Shootings. Yay

Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Long term espionage got us here, dating back at least to 1995, when Fox News purchased its spot at top of every cable lineup in USA and started broadcasting Anti-american propaganda, shooting camera angles up women's skirts...

Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Tear Down the Columns
1st thing in office T went to CIA and stood in front of them saying he was going to tear down the columns, which I truly think meant he is going to destroy the soldiers. I have not been able to stop thinking of that strange speech he made and the way he kept repeating that line, tear down the columns, when columns the word used to mean lines of soldiers marching...

Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Someone got him to turn on Fox News and sit there for 20 years watching and learning. Melania the spy.
Extreme right wing people think we are better off without a "government bureaucracy" so our reading-disabled president is destroying USA on purpose. Someone got him to turn on Fox News and sit there for 20 years watching and learning. Melania the spy.
Melania the Spy
First Putin / Saudis created Fox News by purchasing a primary location on cable lineups in every city in the country (1995), then they found a dumb rich guy and used M to seduce him, tell him to watch Fox News and Nothing Else... and now we have arrived at 2017, a president who takes his cues from Fox (oh and I forgot Drudge Report too) nothing but the right wing "controlled" media... that he's about to produce from the White House on taxpayer dollars with Breitbart and I gotta get to my job, yikes.
They may have even found out that Trump was into "grabbing pussy," as KGB guys are kinda known for getting to potential spies through their sexual tastes. SO, they staged that photo where Melania the model is naked and kinda grabbing her pussy. Once you see that picture, it's kinda hard to get it out of your head... nostrovia. I need to learn russian...
Only way this presidency makes sense is if you think of Trump as a Trojan Horse whose sole purpose is to destroy the United States. Then you stop wondering why he's doing what he's doing. We will not be able to stop him until we admit what he is, no amount of reasoning or persuasion will convince him to do anything but destroy us, that's his mission.
The Erotica of a Trump Presidency begins
Posted by Kay
yeah ain't it something

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